Tender Details

NIT No.SubjectDateDocuments
Publishing DateSubmission Start DateSubmission End DateOpening DateNIT Tender
9667 nit 04 firestationto Construction of Ladies toilet at fire station Murlidhar office 28-06-2024 28-06-2024 05-07-2024 1:00PM 07-07-2024 Download -
9688 nit 02 yantrlayapart Supply of Various Vehicle/Machine's Auto Electric Parts 28-06-2024 29-06-2024 08-07-2024 5:00PM 09-07-2024 Download -
9614 nit 01 patrikaoffice Sewer Line work near patrika office Gajner Road bikaner 27-06-2024 29-06-2024 08-07-2024 6:00PM 09-07-2024 Download -
9044 Gandhi Park Development of Gandhi Park on PPP mode 11-06-2024 13-06-2024 11-07-2024 5:30PM 15-07-2024 Download -